Safetech Innovations
Exceeders' Network
A cybersecurity company that offers 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring and response, security audits, penetration testing, security risk management, and security governance services. The company owns and operates STI CERT – Safetech Computer Emergency Response Team, one of the first privately established and internationally accredited CSIRTs in Romania. STI CERT provides continuous cyber threat monitoring and incident response services to both private and public sector companies.
Computer & Network SecurityComputer & Network SecurityCybersecurityCybersecurityDisaster RecoveryDisaster RecoveryIndirectIndirectOverseas CompaniesOverseas CompaniesPenetration TestingPenetration TestingPrivate CSIRT / CERTSecurity Detection & ResponseSecurity Detection & ResponseServicesServices
Company Specialization

Assessment and consulting

Security testing

Security services

Manage, detection & response (MDR)

Top 3 Industries

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