Partner with Exceeders
Collaboration is the cornerstone of growth and innovation in today's business landscape. In a highly interconnected and competitive world, no business can thrive in isolation. By joining forces with other companies, organizations can leverage complementary strengths, share resources, and tap into new markets. At Exceeders, we are always on the lookout for vendors, service and resource providers who can help us serve the IT needs of customers in the Gulf.
Channel Affiliates
By choosing to be a channel affiliate, your company will have the opportunity to sell its products through Exceed, our exclusive channel partner. To be eligible, your company must offer high-quality products or services at competitive prices that resonate with customers in the Gulf region.
Independent Provider
Being an independent provider grants your company access to our marketplace while having the complete autonomy to manage its sales and sell directly to customers in the Gulf.
Already Registered with Exceeders?
Access your company record below:
Can apply only if you have a company record
Review the list of available specializations that have been published, and select the one that aligns with your product's focus. Upon approval, we will integrate the chosen specialization into your product.
The Exceeders Tenders Hub

Are you ready to elevate your business opportunities? Access and engage with exclusive tenders published by Exceeders, your strategic partner in growth. Our streamlined process ensures that you can efficiently claim, propose, and execute projects, maximizing your potential for success.
