written by Nihal Salem
written by Arqitek Team
written by Exceed Team
written by Exceed Team
written by Exceed Team
written by Yamini
written by Abdul Rahim Al Moustapha
Now that everyone is suddenly working from home, technology adoption is more important than ever before.
The Enterprise Digital Canvas is a comprehensive and structured blueprint of your Digital Enterprise. This article summarises learnings from effective Digital Workspace design for COVID-19 response, using the Digital Canvas model.
See how it works here:
COVID-19 has become the most circulated word in 2020. This pandemic has already impacted the way organisations operate and will continue to fundamentally change them in the foreseeable future.
You see the end product but we’re bringing you closer to the people behind it !
Written by Exceed Team
We live in a time that is characterised by a major technology takeover, a time experiencing the 4th industrial revolution. Companies that want to survive and evolve must keep track of technology breakthroughs, because as we’ve come to know, technology can make or break a company’s success.
So you have invested in a cool new IT technology for your business. All is going great, except...your employees are not using it yet. 😥
As we have written before Technology Adoption is crucial in support any organization’s digital transformation journey. Still though the majority of IT Teams spending a lot of hard work, huge budgets and time managing this change fall short of their goals by poor end user adoption of the technologies they are introducing. Regardless of what anyone might say, you can provide employees with the best software available but if nobody is using them these software are a wasted investment.