written by Yamini
written by Abdul Rahim Al Moustapha
written by Nihal Salem
written by Ahmad Chayati
written by Nihal Salem
written by Nihal Salem
So you have invested in a cool new IT technology for your business. All is going great, except...your employees are not using it yet. 😥
There is no doubt regarding the tremendous impact technology has on companies around the world. The use of technology have opened up a whole new world of insight and possibilities for these companies helping them gain deeper insight into their customers, improve their products and services, optimize their operations and more. However, the introduction of new technology isn’t easy, and usually is met with a lot of resistance from employees who are used to and comfortable doing their work in a specific way that they don’t fancy changing.
Written by Nihal Salem
It is January 2019, and like many an optimistic person, IT companies like us make up their list of resolutions. Much like the ‘lose more weight – eat better – exercise more – be healthier’ resolution for millions around the world, the same resolve pops up annually for us– without fail – but in different shapes and forms. Our recurring promise to ourselves has always been “this year we will build/launch/promote/update our intranet.” This promise appeared at the top of the list every year – except for the last two.
In a previous blog, we talked about how organizations are striving to transform the way they do their business digitally. For them to successfully change, they need systems that serve the different functions their businesses operate on.
In my last blog I talked about the dilemma of whether you should work on your e-Learning library first, or the content. I debated that the library should come first because, no matter what you think- some of the content is there. Today, let’s talk about the content you already have. Yes – every organization has 'some' content.
For IT professionals in the Gulf region, 2018 was almost unequivocally the year of digital learning. Instantly after Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid launched the Translation Challenge a year ago to produce 5,000 Arabic videos for e-learning, the race was on for governmental and private organizations to go digital with their training and learning.