written by Antoine Alam
written by Antoine Alam
written by Yamini
written by Abdul Rahim Al Moustapha
written by Sprintat Team
The tensions are running high lately at boards’ level regarding the rapid changes and progress in technology and not knowing the possible impacts on the businesses’ future performance, profitability, confidentiality of data or even continuity.
There are many choices available when it comes to planning a project. To-do style apps are fantastic for organizing private tasks. But a dedicated project management software is needed to organize the workload of an entire team.
In the past IT Departments acted as support units for the business facilitating their day to day work and making it easier. But in this connected world we live in, the role of the IT Department has evolved to be directly interlinked with the business side and is directly responsible for its success or failure. The goal of IT Departments these days is to plan, procure, acquire, implement, manage and support the latest technological solutions and practices at the most economical prices to spearhead their organization’s digital transformation journey.
IT managers are playing a bigger role than ever before in how a business is run and its ultimate success. One of the questions many IT managers have found themselves asking is whether they want to be a part of a business that focuses on agile product development or one that favours a traditional project management plan.