written by Antoine Alam
written by Antoine Alam
written by Yamini
written by Abdul Rahim Al Moustapha
The tensions are running high lately at boards’ level regarding the rapid changes and progress in technology and not knowing the possible impacts on the businesses’ future performance, profitability, confidentiality of data or even continuity.
There are many choices available when it comes to planning a project. To-do style apps are fantastic for organizing private tasks. But a dedicated project management software is needed to organize the workload of an entire team.
There is no doubt regarding the tremendous impact technology has on companies around the world. The use of technology have opened up a whole new world of insight and possibilities for these companies helping them gain deeper insight into their customers, improve their products and services, optimize their operations and more. However, the introduction of new technology isn’t easy, and usually is met with a lot of resistance from employees who are used to and comfortable doing their work in a specific way that they don’t fancy changing.