written by Exceed Team
written by Exceed Team
written by Kara Zachariah
Written by Exceed Team
We live in a time that is characterised by a major technology takeover, a time experiencing the 4th industrial revolution. Companies that want to survive and evolve must keep track of technology breakthroughs, because as we’ve come to know, technology can make or break a company’s success.
The growth and ultimate success of any company is determined by the consistency of results. These results can only be achieved if the team consistently meets the desired goals and targets. KPIs are the means of setting and measuring the success of these goals. In this post we will briefly take a look at what exactly KPIs are and why an organisation needs them.
One of the biggest buzz words in IT trends over the past few years has been Self-Service Business Intelligence. While it may not be new, especially to the data scientists in your organization, it is still a hot topic which comes up in many customer conversations.