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Did you know that the IT market stores will have the same impact on your growth as online recruitment sites? It’s true. Employees have had a tremendous impact on companies. And software has that same impact today.
Want to learn more? Here’s how IT Solution Market Stores are paving the way for more growth in organizations.
When I graduated in 1997, I was so excited to start working, I got my graduation certificate and I was so ready to start searching for a job. There was just one problem. I faced the difficult reality:
I didn’t know how.
So I asked some of my friends who advised me to visit an agency and file my CV. I went there and I filled out the application. I thought my problem was solved and I would find my dream job just like that.
Little did I know...
I kept visiting the agency asking about updates and after a few visits, one of their team members decided to describe the process to me. To this day, I’m not sure if he did that to help me or to indirectly ask me to stop visiting…
Their process was as follows:
They used to file our applications and store them on a shelf. They then tried to find ways to inform companies that were searching for new employees about their services and the number of CVs they had.
When the hiring company had specific requirements, they would send their request to the agency that spent days trying to find matching applications, photocopy them, ship them to the recruitment companies and work hard to schedule onsite meetings to interview the candidate.
Candidates who weren’t located in the same country as the hiring company had no chance.
And that was the big problem. In this process, hiring companies would also lose all the qualified candidates who were located outside their country as they didn’t have a way to interview them. These challenges made recruitment a very difficult and long-winded task. Plus, it wasn’t effective for either the candidate or the hiring company. Both lost too many chances.
Today, there are better options thanks to online recruitment site.
Online systems like LinkedIn and conference technology changed the whole hiring experience.
Now companies can immediately search and find candidates without any mediator that might make the process longer and charge 20% of annual candidate packages. These online systems has enabled the success of many companies and helped them grow way faster than ever.
The online recruitment systems made it possible to:
Today, software has taken over more and more of our tasks.
And yet, most of the businesses that are still adopting or hiring software use old, traditional ways.
They might call local channel partners to send them a proposal about the software they have and vendors they represent. Similarly to the old traditional recruitment methods, this process isn't effective and is affecting the growth of many companies, especially in the era of digital transformation.
But just like there was a big change in HR and the way companies recruit talent, there is a change in how companies hire software.
In fact, many enterprise IT market stores have started to change the game by enabling enterprises to immediately get the latest innovative software with less overhead costs.
In the end, this will lead to easier software acquisition, as well as costs, and overall, increased growth.
Now you know how changes in employees recruitment helped in growing may organizations, so it's time to change how you find and hire the required software. Sooner rather than later, these changes will lead to an easier way of getting the innovative software, cut costs, and massive growth for companies.
Curious to find out more?
Our own store, Exceeders, is one of the elite software recruitment sites that will make the growth of many enterprises fast and possible. Take a look at our varied selection of software that fulfills every need for your company.
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Originally published Aug 28, 2019 12:48:04 PM, updated December 3, 2019