Online Learning is a fantastic way to increase your knowledge and skills in a unique, flexible environment with its own distinct strengths and opportunities.
While all organizations realize the power of digital transformation, it is necessary to realize that the first step of digitalization lies in ideation & innovation, also known as ‘Ibtikar’.
Working remotely is not a new concept, at least for some employees, who must have practiced it at least once in a while. However, with the recent state of COVID-19, many companies have instructed their employees to start working remotely until further notice. This unexpected extended duration has imposed challenges for some employees, especially the ones trying to work from home for the first time.
What makes up an organization? Its employees. Employees working on their own are just individual assets that can hit roadblocks in achievement and productivity - if they don’t form a collective force. In essence, the underlying pillar of every organization is the network formed by communication and collaboration of its employees.
Business continuity has become every organization’s top priority with the recent escalation of the Covid-19 situation. Everyone is consumed with the possibility that they might not be able to sustain operations after orders to work from home have been officially circulated. Survival is on everyone’s agenda, and to survive, you need to diminish any contingencies that may affect operations.
With no doubt, the latest advances in technology and communication has drastically shifted the standards of traditional work practices. Further, the evolution of social media, its wide spread and availability to almost everyone has reduced the barriers of communication between individuals and businesses worldwide.
Over the years, we noticed that businesses initially choose solutions that tick all the technical boxes or ones that are least costly. However, emphasis should always be placed on tools that are simple to use, efficient, & that provide a good user experience. We urge our customers to pay close attention to the user experience, especially when it comes to having a return on their investment in remote working.
COVID-19 has become the most circulated word in 2020. This pandemic has already impacted the way organisations operate and will continue to fundamentally change them in the foreseeable future.
Cloud computing is an exponentially growing market. According to a study by Forbes, the public cloud computing market, including cloud applications (SaaS), development and data platforms (PaaS), and infrastructure (IaaS) services combined is expected to grow to $299.4 billion.
You see the end product but we’re bringing you closer to the people behind it!